Key Legal contribution of Indian Freedom Fighter & Lawyer - 'Shri Vithalbhai Patel'

Important Legal contribution of Indian Freedom Fighter & Lawyer - 'Shri Vithalbhai Patel'

He passed and fought for several bills and amendments.

Vithalbhai played a prominent role in two bills on the Bombay provincial legislative council, "the Bombay District Municipal Act Amendment Bill" and "The Town Planning Bill" in 1914. 

His most well known proposal for which he received praise was for the extension of primary education to municipal districts in the Bombay presidency outside of the city of Bombay in 1917. After a long battle, the bill was passed after several amendments and modifications.

Throughout his time on the legislative council, he passed and fought for several bills and amendments on medical practice. 

In a 1912 amendment to the Bombay medical act, he sought to register doctors for disciplinary action for malpractice. 
This amendment did not include ayurvedic physicians. 

In 1923 he was elected to the Central Legislative Assembly, a chamber of elected and appointed Indian and British representatives with limited legislative powers, and in 1925 became the Assembly's president, or speaker.

As the President of the Assembly, Patel laid down the practices and procedures for the business of the Assembly. 



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